Vol. 40 No. 2 (2020)

The Logic of Publicity: Frege and the Accessibility of Scientific Language

Felipe Cuervo
Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia

Published 2020-11-01


  • Frege,
  • lógica y lenguaje natural,
  • publicidad,
  • sentido y referencia
  • Frege,
  • Logic and Natural Language,
  • Publicity,
  • Sense and Reference


Traditional interpretations of Frege’s philosophy usually explain his anti-psychologism as an indication that subjectivism must not interfere in the elaboration of logical language, yet such interpretations run into serious difficulties when attempting to account for how much Frege himself emphasizes concepts such as assertive force. This essay attempts to solve this quandary by investigating some of Frege’s epistemological ideas, beginning with his concept of science. This will lead to the conclusion that an understanding of truth as an essentially public phenomenon can solve this and other interpretative dilemmas.


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