La estrategia del explanandum dual frente al problema de la ineficacia causal de lo mental
Published 2004-11-01
- Estrategia del explanandum dual,
- Materialismo no reduccionista,
- Causación mental,
- Ineficacia causal
- Dual explanandum strategy,
- Non reductive materialism,
- Mental causation,
- Causal inefficacy
The dual explanandum strategy' has been used in the past to contend some quite different problems, including the 'explanation vs. understanding' debate and the problem of how reasons can explain behavior. This strategy can be roughly described as an intent to solve the explanatory rivalry between two explanations by means of the division of the explanandum. In this paper I want to analyze the use of this strategy by Ausonio Marras, who has claimed that it allows us to face the problem of causal inefficacy of mental properties. This problem has arisen in the last two decades in the context of non reductive materialism and has become a serious menace to this program. I try to show that this strategy can not work out this problem unless it can be provided with a successful account of the way that mental properties can keep their complete causal efficacy, and the answer he offers does not satisfy this demand.