Published 2015-11-01
- Castigo,
- Liberalismo,
- Subjetivismo,
- Perfeccionismo,
- Inculpación
- Punishment,
- Liberalism,
- Subjectivism,
- Perfectionism,
- Blame

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The late Carlos S. Nino presented in his latest work a defense of his theory of punishment which involves a profound critic to retributivism. According with his position if we adopt a retributivist theory of punishment, in addition we are adopting a version of penal subjectivism that embrace moral perfectionism. Nino presents his idea suggesting that there is a chain that linked retribution subjectivism and perfectionism. In this paper, I will discuss the relationship between these three concepts and argue against the links that nino presents between them.
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7. Nino, C. S. (1980), Los límites de la responsabilidad penal: Una teoría liberal del delito, Buenos Aires, Astrea.
8. Nino, C. S. (1991), The Ethics of Human Rights, Oxford, Clarendon Press.
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10. Nino, C. S. (1996), Radical Evil on Trial, New Haven, Yale University Press.
11. Scanlon, T. M. (2008), Moral Dimensions, Cambridge, Belknap Press.
12. Scanlon, T. M. (2013), “Interpreting Blame” en Coates, D. J. y Tognazzini, N. A. (eds.), Blame: Its Nature and Norms , Oxford, Oxford University Press.
13. Strawson, P. (1974), Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays, Londres, Routledge.