Published 2015-11-01
- Collective Rights,
- Individual Rights,
- Right to a Healthy Environment,
- Right holder
- Derechos colectivos,
- Derechos individuales,
- Derecho al ambiente sano,
- Titularidad

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Most of the rights that have been recognized both at the constitutional level and in international human rights laws entitle individuals to the protection of private goods. In contrast, the right to a healthy environment ensures individuals the enjoyment of a public good. The characteristics of public goods have created significant problems related to the legal architecture for a system of fundamental rights that historically was conceived for the protection of private goods, and have generated considerable debate over whether the right to a healthy environment should be considered an individual right. This paper analyzes Carlos S. Nino’s position, who advocates in favor of considering the right to a healthy environment as a collective right; and it points out the problems that such a position generates for the content of the right and its exercise.
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