Vol. 35 No. 1 (2015): Homenaje a Carlos S. Nino I

Basic Equality and Moral Person

Olof Page
Instituto de Filosofía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Published 2015-05-01


  • Igualdad básica,
  • Persona moral,
  • Propiedades
  • Basic equality,
  • Moral Persons,
  • Properties


The objective of the article is to analyze and criticize the arguments elaborated by Carlos S. Nino to justify a certain interpretation of the concept of moral person. This interpretation offers a foundation of basic moral rights that is different from the one contained in what in the article I call "the traditional strategy". The radical change of strategy that Nino proposes implies a certain conception of the equal (or unequal) status of human beings. For the reasons given in the article, I think that this change of strategy is unsuccessful.


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