Published 2018-02-19
- Carlos S. Nino,
- Ronald Dworkin,
- Concept of law,
- Conceptual Pluralism
- Carlos S. Nino,
- Ronald Dworkin,
- Concepto de derecho,
- Pluralismo conceptual
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Some of the most relevant legal philosophers in the last decades, as Carlos S. Nino and Ronald Dworkin, have defended the idea that there is a plurality of concepts of law. Scott Shapiro has sustained this account in a particularly relevant way: the word ‘law’ displays a ubiquitous ambiguity, sometimes designates a set of norms and other a social organization. This is precisely the thesis which is criticized in the paper. It is argued, from a certain philosophical literature about the concepts, that concepts of social objects of intentional character (as it is the case for law, but also for literary works for example) contain a social dimension and a meaning dimension, normative in the case of the law. That is to say, the concept of law expresses a social dimension and a normative dimension intertwined.
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