Nino on the Right to a Healthy Environment, Responsibility towards Current and Future Generations: On “Carlos Nino y la titularidad del derecho a un ambiente sano” by M. F. Saulino
Published 2024-08-27
- Bienes privados,
- Bienes colectivos,
- Cuidado del ambiente,
- Riesgos para la salud,
- Responsabilidad estatal y ciudadana
- Información y educación ambiental,
- Licencia social ...More
- Private and Collective Goods,
- Care for the Environment,
- Health Risks,
- Responsibility of Governments and Citizenry,
- Environmental Information and Education
- Social License ...More
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
The aim of this paper is to compare Carlos Nino’s (1992) stance on the right to a healthy environment as a collective right to M. Florencia Saulino’s (2015) interpretation. Saulino considers that, in view of the current environmental situation, Nino’s opinion about this crucial issue disrupts a legal system conceived for the protection of private goods. Nino’s notion of the environment as a collective good was included two years later when the Argentine Constitution was reformed in 1994, in Article 41. It binds State authorities to protect the environment, make a rational use of the natural environment and biological diversity, provide information and environmental education. After that date, several laws and projects aimed to favour care for the environment, environmental education, the protection of forests and the rights of indigenous peoples. Added to that, the Escazú Agreement (2018), endorsed by Argentina, establishes the right of participation and access to information. This paper upholds Nino’s stance, underscoring its persistence in the current legal system. It also highlights the substantial character of social license and the government’s duty to provide the citizenry with information about decisions that may compromise common goods, and heed questions and objections.
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- Saulino, M. F. (2015). Carlos Nino y la titularidad del derecho a un ambiente sano. Análisis Filosófico, 35(2), 265-281.