Vol. 44 No. Especial (2024): Coloquio SADAF 2022: Pasado, presente y futuro del análisis filosófico: A 50 años de la fundación de SADAF
Critical Notes

Some Thoughts on Metainferences: On “Why a Logic Is not only its Set of Valid Inferences” by Eduardo A. Barrio and Federico Pailos

Javier Castro Albano
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina / Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Argentina

Published 2024-08-27


  • Metainferencias,
  • Caracterización de una lógica
  • Metainferences,
  • Characterization of a logic


An argument is presented against the claim by Eduardo Barrio and Federico Pailos according to which “to characterize a logic, not only the inferential level, but also every metainferential level is necessary”.


  1. Barrio, E. A., & Pailos, F. (2021). Why a logic is not only its set of valid inferences. Análisis Filosófico, 41(2), 261-272. https://doi.org/10.36446/af.2021.461
  2. Barrio, E. A., Pailos, F., & Szmuc, D. (2021). (Meta)inferential levels of entailment beyond the Tarskian paradigm. Synthese, 198(Suppl 22), 5265–5289. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-019-02411-6
  3. Cobreros, P., Égré, P., Ripley, D., & van Rooij, R. (2013). Reaching transparent truth. Mind, 122(488), 841-866. https://doi.org/10.1093/mind/fzt110
  4. Moretti, A. (2006). Logica y semantica. Revista de Filosofía, 31(2), 31-43. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RESF/article/view/RESF0606220031A
  5. Teijeiro, P. (2021). Strength and stability. Análisis Filosófico, 41(2), 337-349. https://doi.org/10.36446/af.2021.459