Published 2024-12-04

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This article offers a critical evaluation of Revelationism, primarily defended by Philip Goff, which asserts that introspection fully reveals the essential nature of phenomenal properties and guarantees exceptional justification of introspective judgments and beliefs. From a different viewpoint, the discussion hinges around two main axes: First, based on the conceptual and propositional nature of revelation, the aim is to refute the allegedly infallibility of Revelationism, highlighting instead its vulnerability to error, confusion, and disagreement. Second, it is argued that Revelation is insufficient to access the totality of the essential facts of phenomenal properties, focusing on aspects related to grounding, the qualitative and quantitative relationships between properties and causal dispositions. Based on these critiques, it is concluded that Revelationism does not provide a solid and plausible support for anti-physicalism.
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