Vol. 30 No. 1 (2010)

Todo canon, el canon

Alberto Moretti
Universidad de Buenos Aires / CONICET

Published 2010-05-01


  • Canon filosófico,
  • Naturaleza de la filosofía,
  • Diálogo racional
  • Philosophical canon,
  • Nature of philosophy,
  • Rational dialogue


Whenever expressions like "X is philosophical" appear in different questions and assorted statements, the reference to special kinds of actions, questions or demands are suggested by these uses. Rabossi propounds a way for characterizing the sense of our using such expressions and, based on it, he states that philosophy, as it is accomplished from the last two centuries up to now, pretends to be a professional discipline but she cannot to be as such because the nature of its precepts (the Canon). Rabossi's arguments are examined and it is maintained that although they do not seem to be sufficient for the pursued conclusion, there are reasons to modify them such a way to come to that conclusion.


  1. Carpio, A. (1977), El sentido de la historia de la filosofía, Buenos Aires, Eudeba.
  2. Cordero, N. (2008), La invención de la filosofía, Buenos Aires, Biblos.
  3. García Belsunce, E. (1987), “La idea de filosofía en Kant”, Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, XIII (2), pp. 143-160.
  4. Gutiérrez, C. (1996), “¿Problemas o preguntas?, Cadernos de História e Filosofia da Ciéncia, Série 3 (6), Nro. Especial, pp. 57-71.
  5. Kant, I. (1781/2007), Crítica de la razón pura. Riga, traducción de Caimi, M., Buenos Aires, Colihue, 2007.
  6. Rabossi, E. (2008), En el comienzo Dios creó el Canon. Biblia berolinensis. Ensayos sobre la condición de la filosofía, Buenos Aires, Celtia- Gedisa.
  7. Santa Cruz, M. I. (2003), “Filosofía e historia de la filosofía: una falsa disyuntiva”, en Nudler, O. y Naishtat, F. (eds.), (2003), El filosofar hoy, Buenos Aires, Biblos.