Vol. 30 No. 1 (2010)

El "estado de excepción" de la filosofía

Jesús Vega Encabo
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Published 2010-05-01


  • Metafilosofía,
  • Disciplinas,
  • Conocimiento experto,
  • Canon filosófico,
  • Anomalía disciplinar
  • Metaphilosophy,
  • Disciplines,
  • Expert knowledge,
  • Philosophical Canon,
  • Disciplinary anomaly


How to think today about the nature and value of the philosophical reflection? The pervasive influence of the model of expert knowledge seems to require a selfunderstanding of philosophy as a discipline among the disciplines. This paper argues that philosophy should resist this move. So I will defend a kind of "exceptionalism" for philosophy based on the idea that philosophy cannot pretend to be a discipline. Be true or not that philosophical activities are nowadays institutionally legitimized by the principles of a Canon, I will suggest a strategy of transgression of the Canon by rejecting any assimilation of philosophy to a discipline, even if an "anomalous" one. Philosophy must contribute to the understanding of our different ways of conceptualizing and transforming the world and to make sense of human experience. The thesis of this paper is that philosophy must claim a "state of emergency" for itself a open a space for freely questioning what it appears as obvious and unchallengeable.


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