Published 2020-11-01
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Karczmarczyck (2020) evaluates and criticizes some central theses defended in my book Vericuetos de la filosofía de Wittgenstein en torno al lenguaje y el seguimiento de reglas (2018), centered on the ideas of the second Wittgenstein. I discuss here various points examined by Karczmarczyck. In particular: (i) I reject his anti-realistic conception of intentionality, according to which factors occurring after a given action may determine whether or not it is a deliberate action; (ii) I explore other aspects of the realism/anti-realism contrast, linking them with the anti-realist reading that Kripke, Karczmarczyck and other authors make of Wittgenstein; (iii) I explain why my dispositional-teleological solution to the rule-following puzzle is not circular.
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