Vol. 42 No. 1 (2022)
Thematic section

The Justification of Logical Principles and the “Adoption Problem”

Javier Castro Albano
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina / Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina

Published 2022-05-01


  • Adoption Problem,
  • Justification of Logic
  • Problema de la adopción,
  • Justificación de la lógica


Saul Kripke objected the approach to the justification of logic provided by Quine’s web belief model on the basis of a result that Romina Padró called “The Adoption Problem”. I suggest a solution to de Adoption Problem and a defense of the quinean strategy for the justification of logic.


  1. Harman, G. (1986). Change in view: Principles of reasoning. The MIT Press.
  2. Harman, G. (2009). Field on the normative role of logic. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 109(1), 333-335.
  3. Kripke, S. (1982). Wittgenstein: On rules and private language. Harvard University Press. (Citado según la traducción de J. Rodríguez Marqueze (2006). Wittgenstein: a próposito de reglas y lenguaje privado. Tecnos.)
  4. Orayen, R. (1989). Lógica, significado y ontología. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
  5. Padró, R. (2015). What the tortoise said to Kripke: The adoption problem and the epistemology of logic. CUNY Academic Works.
  6. Padró, R. (2021). The adoption problem and the epistemology of logic. Manuscrito aceptado en Mind para su publicación.
  7. Priest, G. (2008). An introduction to non-classical logics (2a ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  8. Russell, B (1914). Our knowledge of the external world. Open Court.