Vol. 33 No. 2 (2013): Homenaje a Eugenio Bulygin II

El concepto de orden jurídico en la teoría de Alchourrón y Bulygin

Hugo R. Zuleta
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Published 2013-11-01


  • Sistema jurídico,
  • Orden jurídico,
  • Identidad,
  • Secuencia
  • Legal system,
  • Legal order,
  • Identity,
  • Sequence


Aiming to account for the dynamic nature of law, the Argentinian philosophers Carlos Alchourrón and eugenio Bulygin discriminate the concepts of legal system and legal order. The first makes reference to a set of statements that includes all their deductive consequences, among which there are norms that prescribe coercive acts. It is a static entity. Legal order, on the other hand, is conceived as a sequence of legal systems connected by some criterion of legal validity and keeps its identity through the changes produced by the passing or abrogation of laws. The aim of this paper is to present arguments leading to support that the notion of legal order is inadequate for its declared purpose and, furthermore, its conception, with the meaning the authors assign to it, is unnecessary.


  1. Alchourrón, C. y Bulygin, E. (1975), Introducción a la metodología de las ciencias jurídicas y sociales, Buenos Aires, Astrea.
  2. Alchourrón, C. y Bulygin, E. (1976), “Sobre el concepto de orden jurídico”, Crítica, VIII, (23), pp. 3-23.
  3. Caracciolo, R. (1996), “Sistema jurídico”, en Garzón Valdés, E. y Laporta, F. (eds.), Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofía. vol. 11, El derecho y la justicia, Madrid, Trotta.
  4. Carnap, R. (1950), Logical Foundations of Probability, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
  5. Makinson, D. (2008), Sets, Logic and Maths for Computing, Londres, Springer.
  6. Noonan, H. (1997), “Relative Identity” en Hale, B. y Wright, C., A Companion to the Philosophy of Language, Oxford, Blackwell.
  7. Raz, J. (1980), The Concept of a Legal System,Ooxford, Clarendon Press.
  8. Rodríguez, J. (2006), “La tensión entre dos concepciones de los sistemas jurídicos”, Análisis Filosófico, XXVI, (2), Homenaje a Carlos E. Alchourrón II, pp. 242-276