Published 2018-05-01
- Justificación de creencias,
- Justificación de acciones,
- Costo del error,
- Injerencia pragmática,
- Aceptación
- Justification of Belief,
- Justification of Action,
- Cost of Error,
- Pragmatic Encroachment,
- Acceptance

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This paper is aimed at proving that in certain contexts of action there may be a cleavage between the moral knowledge of an agent and the moral justification of her actions. I will argue that this is so when two conditions obtain: first, acting on the basis of false beliefs may end-up being very costly in terms of the welfare of those affected; and second, even if low, the probability of such negative upshots are significant or not trivial. I shall claim that this cleavage between knowledge and justification of actions has important consequences for the structure of moral deliberation.
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